About Us


projuktiplus.net is an excellent website in Educational and technical sector. Educational and Technical content will be uploaded on this website. Content related to web design and web development inside the technology category. Web design and web development contents will be posted on this web site. Content related to School, College, Varsity admission and job solution will be posted inside the educational categories. 


Projuktiplus.net has been launched 20 November, 2020 at Khulna University, Khulna, Bangladesh.


My goal is to learn something new and share it with others. The topic that I will arrange for myself should not be arranged with the time of others. This will increase my interest and others will also benefit a little. Learning to share is something that moves a team or group forward. So, I decided that what I really needed to do was learn how to do it right. As a result, others will also be able to learn from here.


My goal for the next five years is to build a community in the education and IT sector through this website. Where everyone will help each other and move forward.

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